

Through the generous donations of our community members, Mason’s Toy Box hopes to expand our services to as many facilities within the United States possible in the future.


  • University of Virginia Children’s Hospital
  • Children and families of the Charlottesville Ronald McDonald House
  • Occasional special request from homebound children in Charlottesville, Richmond and surrounding cities
  • VCU Children’s Hospital of Richmond
  • VCU Rehabilitation Center of Richmond
  • St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital
  • The Doorways
  • Children and families of the Richmond Ronald McDonald House
  • World Pediatric Project


Yes, Mason’s Toy Box Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There are currently no paid employees or consultants for Mason’s Toy Box.

Yes, donors may deduct contributions made to Mason’s Toy Box Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Cash donations received by Mason’s Toy Box support the mission of the organization. All prior marketing material (compliments of various local businesses) and MTB website design (compliments of Redmond Creative, Inc.) has been generously donated to Mason’s Toy Box. With the exception of minimal administrative expenses, cash donations are utilized to serve our recipients directly through gift purchase.

  • All business sponsorships that support Mason’s Toy Box do so because they believe in the power of being a positive corporate entity and supporting the needs of our community members.
  • Corporate Sponsorship provides a great means of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company’s image, prestige and credibility by supporting local charities that are attractive to their target market.
  • Sponsoring local charities provides assistance and support to the members of your community in addition to serving as a relatively inexpensive way to boost profits, establish good will, and enhance your company’s public profile.
  • Sponsorship events can be especially effective as a marketing tool because of the potential for access to a wide range of audiences, such as decision makers in businesses, government entities, and of most importantly, their customers.
  • Event sponsorship provides businesses an avenue to relate directly with their customers while providing an opportunity for their customers to sample company products firsthand.
  • In comparison, marketing research methods (such as focus groups) are usually costly and may not focus on the right kind of people, while market surveys or questionnaires usually do not allow prospective customers the opportunity to try out products.
  • Event sponsorship heightens visibility due to positive publicity through media channels and can be one of the most effective marketing tools. Every company benefits by seeking the widest exposure possible through both print and electronic media. This publicity increases the visibility of the company’s products and services.
  • Various media channels covering the event typically include the names, and even pictures of the event sponsors. This kind of mass media coverage for sponsors is usually unaffordable when purchased directly.

It is possible to sponsor a child (and their siblings or parents if you choose). Mason’s Toy Box has established and maintained close partnerships with the Ronald McDonald House of Richmond and Charlottesville, The Hospitality House of Richmond, and the World Pediatric Organization locally. The children (and their parents & siblings) who reside in these facilities are usually long term residents and very much in need of your support. Mason’s Toy Box allows these families the opportunity to communicate their most desired gifts and requests they provide “Santa” with a wish list for the sick child, their siblings, and their parents. Through the generosity of our community, it has been made possible and common practice for Mason’s Toy Box to have “Santa” fulfill these requests which provide joy and laughter during an extremely difficult journey. These children battling illness/injury (siblings and parents) are available for you to sponsors directly through our website. You can read more about each child’s journey through Mason’s Toy Box sponsorship link (link here).  

You can complete a volunteer application through Mason’s Toy Box by simply visiting (link to volunteer page).  Here you will find a more descriptive role of volunteers and specific volunteer roles Mason’s Toy Box is seeking to fill. If you have additional questions about volunteering, you may contact our volunteer coordinator directly via email @ volunteermtb@gmail.com

Whether it is on the golf course through your local business, school or church; remembering or honoring a loved one’s birthday, wedding, or anniversary; building a culture of philanthropy with your children, students, colleagues, or friends; you have the power to help Mason’s Toy Box provide for families within your community who have a child battling illness/disease. Everything helps and anyone has the power to make a difference in the lives of families facing adversity and funding for childhood cancer research. For more information on how to host an event, you may contact our Event Coordinator directly via email @ mtbevents@gmail.com.

Mason’s Toy Box relies on the work of many “elves” to deliver community donations to hospitalized children and their families. We are always seeking “elves” to assist with assembly and delivery of empty donation boxes, box locations scouts, as well as willing and able “elves” to pick up full donation boxes from various locations and deliver them to a centralized location. There is also a need for “muscle elves” that are able to lift full donation boxes on and off of our sleigh for multiple deliveries. Ultimately, only a selected number of “elves” can personally assist with the delivery of toys to hospitalized children, but as our donations increase, so does our need to “elf up” our delivery crew. If interested in personally delivering toys with MTB “elves”, you must meet certain criteria and make a request through our volunteer coordinator directly via email @ mtbvolunteer@gmail.com. Due to HIPPA compliance, many facilities require a demographic list of volunteers in advance.


Delivery “elves” with direct exposure to hospitalized patients must meet the requirements listed below: Must have a flu shot.

  • Must be able to pass a background check if required.
  • Cannot have any type of immunodeficiency.
  • Cannot exhibit any symptoms of illness.
  • Cannot have a contagious disease or illness.
  • Cannot take personal photographs while volunteering (unless permission is granted by MTB board member).
  • Volunteers agree to maintain the privacy of the patients and families at all times.